Ann Noël (ur. 1944r. w Plymouth, Anglia); w latach 1964 - 1968 studiowała w Bath Academy of Art w Corsham, Anglia. W latach 1968 - 72 współpracowała z Edition Hansjörg Mayer i później z Something Else Press, New York. Była związana także z Rainer Verlag w Berlinie, gdzie wydała sześć książek artystycznych. W latach 1972 - 1974 wykładała na Nova Scotia College of Art and Design w Halifax, Kanada, oraz na Harvard University USA /1977-80/. W 1986 roku wraz z mężem, Emmettem Williamsem, prowadziła zajęcia ze studentami w Sommerakademie für Bildende Kunst w Salzburgu, Austria. Od 1967 roku prace artystyczne prezentowała na kilkudziesięciu wystawach indywidualnych i zbiorowych w daadgalerie Berlin, Galerii Akumulatory 2 Poznań, Galerii RR, Warszawa, MAKKOM Amsterdam, Holandia, Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin, Book Art Gallery New York, USA, Wewerka Galerie Berlin, Kunstverein Kassel, Niemcy, Western Front Vancouver, Kanada, Stadtische Galerie im Buntentor Bremen, Niemcy, Hyundai and Won Gallery Seoul, Korea, Galerie Marlene Frei Zurich, Szwajcaria, Galerii BWA, Bydgoszcz, Museum Fluxus+, Poczdam
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Ann NoEmmett Williams, editor-in-chief of the press (and future husband) and such press regulars as George Brecht, John Cage, Allan Kaprow, Richard Kostelanetz, Daniel Spoerri and a plenitude of Fluxus artists. During the seventies, in addition to developing her own creative work, she was graphic workshop supervisor at the California Institute of the Arts, lecturer in printmaking at the nova Scotia college of Art and Design, and Visiting Artist at the Carpenter Center for the visual Arts at Harvard University. In 1987 she was guest printer at the Machida-shi Museum of Graphic Arts in Tokyo. el born in Plymouth, England, in 1944, has lived and worked in Berlin since 1980. Her wide-ranging talents as painter, graphic designer, printmaker, photographer and performance artist bear witness to a rare combination of creative ingenuity, bold experimentation, and up-to-date technical skills. In addition, she has had the good fortune to know and work with some of the more interesting artists of our time. Her career began in earnest in 1964 at the Bath Academy of Art in Corsham, where she worked on projects with such artists as Ian Hamilton Finlay and John Furnival. After graduating with a diploma in graphic arts and design in 1968, she was invited to Stuttgart, Germany, to work with Hansjörg Mayer, a former mentor at the academy and one of the first publishers of artists’ books by Robert Filliou, Richard Hamilton, Dieter Roth, André Thomkins, Emmett Williams and so many others. This experience with the avant-garde more than prepared her for the job offered her in 1969, to work in New York as assistant to Dick Higgins, publisher of the now legendary Something Else Press, where she met
Wystawy w Galerii AT / Exhibitions in AT Gallery
indywidualne / one man shows:
1990 - "Mała kolekcja"
2000 - "Okna na świat" >>
1990 - "Mała kolekcja"
2000 - "Okna na świat" >>
2012 - "Zaduma" >>
zbiorowe / groups:
2004 - "Alphabet" (Książka i co dalej 5) >>
2004 - "Alphabet" (Książka i co dalej 5) >>
2015 - "Book and what next", UP Gallery, Berlin >>
2015/2016 - Książka i co dalej. 25 lat, Biblioteka Raczyńskich, Poznań >>